Taking your own way is not always easy on yourself. It usually means to be smiled upon for not following the main stream or longing for success, as others define it. The core point most often is to follow ones heart and ideas to fulfill one's "need" to express oneself. It's not necessarily some hard choices or descisions to be made, but it may take some courage and choices in live others do not understand. Well, at least it takes some guts to put out your own creations to the world for good or bad, as one never knows about what response to expect. The Schallwelle award's Your Own Way prize is interested in rather unusual ways for finding into electronic music. This is part two of nominee tracks, this time by Mikel Sounder, Spieluhr Records, Secret Moonbase, Vortex Elements, Wellengärtner, Rahara Chillout, MiDi BiTCH, Record Of Tides, Romerium.
Owning your path on
Yours, Stefan
Final warn... no, final call... for the Schallwelle Award votings. If you have not done so, you can still vote for your favourie artist, album, and ambient album in electronic music. The winners of the voting session will be awarded at the Schallwelle Award ceremonies in March. And there are still tickets available, if you want to join us for the festivities, including live concerts by Gate Eleven, Elektronische Maschine, and one more to be announced. Besides the audience votings there are some categories not for the public but awarded based on jury votes. For one of those categories, named "Your own way", I will present the nominees in this and the coming edition. We will start with NGC 224, Lunaar, Frank Tischer, Colin Rayment, IcingWolf, Mike Hans STEFFL, Imaginary Landscape, LichtBildGestalter.
A path of your own on
Yours, Stefan
There you have it. Old 2024 left us with a mess, and 2025 in charge to clean it up. Well, we will see, if that works out or will simply continue with what was left behind. But, hey, it's a new round on our elliptical course around the sun and there are many cool things coming. Several musical events already on the horizon and surely an amazing number of great and highly inspiring releases awat us fans in electronic heaven. Like the cool treats you get tonight with music by Gate Eleven (First Contact), Mindheal (Heart and Mind), Side Liner (Time Expiration), Stan Dart (MurInsel 7: Travel Stories), Giovanni Scorpio & Neosir (Vice), Fritz Mayr (Brainwave), Malcolm Galloway (Metazoa), MiDi BiTCH (Hyperborea), Gate Eleven (First Contact).
Reborn from the past on
Yours, Stefan
That was fast. Or was it? This is the 48th show for 2024 and already the final one for this year. It's name fits the speed the year has passed. Like a 747 on full thrusters. And it carried quite a load of cool and new music as well. For what it's worth, I wish you all the best for your future. Lot's of strange things going on in this one world we occupy. So take care and have a decent time of life in 2025. Thematically we stick with the speed on tonight's edition with beatful and driving music by Ndorfik (Eighteenth Listen), TNT (The December Solstice 2024 Compilation), KΔDΔBRΔ (Friday the 13th (On December)), Elysian Underground (Almost Primordial), Psychoz (Digital Family Vol. 11), Renil Edis & Di.Capa (24 Hours Awake), TOONER (Pushing The Limits), Bunshi (Bupropion), Femii (No Dust), Jeff Appleton (Quadrants 3 - Part 1).
Hot sparkles on
Yours, Stefan
Yes, it's this time of the year, where big chunks of chocolate is formed into strange and hollow figurines and such. Like it or not, in many regions of the world, people may follow their believes (generally) freely. For others, it serves as some welcome time out to spend with your family or friends. A common theme of these festive days is the kind of music you hear. And while radio stations tend to play the same plunder each year, welcome to syndae. You do get some nice tunes tonight, as a precognition for the coming days, but it's new, at least to the show. Feeling joyful? Then join in for beauties in sound by Gandalf (A Light from Afar), David Lindsay (With You), Jim Ottaway (Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying), Steen Chorchendorff Jorgensen (Floating out of Thin Air), Kori Linae Carothers (On A Cold Frosty Morning), Fiona Joy Hawkins (Music For Study And Relaxation), Joe Weineck (Earthlings), Lynn Tredeau & Sherry Finzer (Snowfall), Christina Tourin & Peter Sprague (Imaginings (DuoVersion)), Brian Mulder (Cygnus), Ambient Ballroom (ja ohne geht), Ryan Michael Richards (That Trip to Bethlehem), Rick Sparks (Winter Dream), Dan Kennedy (Ascend to Adonleigh).
Lightweight listening on
Yours, Stefan
Not long before the festive season, time to look back at 2024 and all the music that wasn't featured on syndae yet. Well, mainly because it did not fit to the theme of a show. I receive quite a lot of submissions that does sound great, but is stilistically a bit off to the sound you are used to. It's still worth listening to, as I think there are so many interesting musical discoveries to make, so many new sensations to feel. So join in tonight for a very cool edition of the show with music by Halogen feat. Synaecide (Retrospective Vol. 4), illocanblo (Various Artists Compilation 2024), Undsidedly (Seventeenth Listen), Dirk Schlömer (Dancin' Shoes), Mad-Tek feat. Gella (Algorhythmic Bias 3.0), Djane Ki feat. M.Nomized (DARK METERS #2), dominykas niaura (bevietystė), Lifting Gear Engineer (Recovery), Kilmarth (Radical Entropy), Džiunglių Dvasios feat. Paulius Soham (Space and Bass), TOKEE (ЛЕЯ), PearFinch (BC Catalogue II (2022-2024)).
Off the beats on
Yours, Stefan
It's the time of the year where the "good old" Christmas songs tend to be played all over the radio stations. Luckily, I rarely listen to radio. But I already have been whammed. Well, at least they don't start playing them by the time they start selling Christmas chocolate. And there are people who like to listen to these songs, for example my wife. Well, there will be no such music on syndae. At least not for tonight. But I chose to have some chilling tunes, so your ears can rest from all the bells and whistles. Join in for cool stuff by Obituary (始まり), Synth replicants (Dreams Of Paradise), Remote Guest List (An Abyss Of My Own Making). Zero Cult and Goasia (Chill On Ice), Bluetech ft. BISHØP (Spacehop Chronicles 2: Limonchik), 4T Thieves (Fragment (Special Edition)), Steen Chorchendorff Jorgensen (Floating out of Thin Air), Sonic Research Society (Observers), developingrhythm (filtered lounge), Globular (Very Nested Recurrences).
Cinamon paved sounds on
Yours, Stefan
We are going to have fun tonight with some modern electronic music. We're rapidly speeding towards the end of the year, I think there are three more shows to come before we increment the annual counter once again. Btw., the Schallwelle award voting will start soon, so it's definitely time to revisit many of the new releases by checking out this year's editions of syndae. I'm quite sure, you will find some favorable albums on the show. The catalogue of releases for 2024 is vast, as usual. Don't forget or miss to support your favourite artists. Maybe there is one among those of tonight, where you will get fine treatments by Axess/@maxxessmusic (Sleep), WEGA (Echoes From A Gentle Past), Vortex Elements (Wavement), Paul Ellis & Pabellón Sintético (Veiled Portraits), F.D.Project (The Last Curtain), Spectral Tune (Schallplatte 27), Ivan Black (Define and Refine), Stefan Erbe (Light of Sirius), Synth replicants (Dreams Of Paradise).
Raising the fun bars on
Yours, Stefan
Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of a gentle podcast. Its continuing mission: to explore wonderful new sounds; to seek out new vibes and new aural experiences; to boldly play what no one has heard before. Well, quite so. Because you might have heard similar tunes before. And our voyage does explore material highly inspired by others. Like for tonight, where the notes take us back to the golden age of electronic music, where Space Ambient and Berlin School meet up to celebrate excellent endeavours. Join in for fantastic treats by F.D.Project (The Last Curtain), Cello (Modular Timelapse), Vanderson (2055), Vortex Elements (Wavement), Erik Wøllo (Solastalgia), The Fourth Dimension Project (Colours of the Universe), Fratoroler (L.I.K.E.S.)
Celebrating sound trek on
Yours, Stefan
I often play traditional electronic music on the show, sometimes referred to as Berlin School, Krautrock, Space Ambient, etc. Also back in the days, in the 80s at least, there was another trend in electronic music with heavy use of synthesizers and drum machines. Modern music refering to that age is usually named Synthwave or Retrowave. Similar takes in style go under the name of Chillwave and Vaporwave. In visuals, related styles are takes on Cyberpunk or Cyberspace movies and games. Why am I giving history lessons now? Well, I am not, I am giving you some great tracks following thes artistic music styles, mainly by the upcoming compilation Chromatic City which features a bunch of them and other tracks of same style. Enjoy this throw back edition with music by snurretop, Time Away, Ambient Indigo, Wane of Summer, Promethex, Talking to Ghosts, Progeny -1, Roberto Sass, Cosmic Cadence, and Ancient Astronaut (Chromatic City), Cobalto Drew (ether), Jan Hammer vs Moreno J (Crockett's Theme).
Riding the wave on
Yours, Stefan
There we go. Lots of events still ahead this year, and you are invited to pick one or more locations to visit and enjoy the music. In several cases, the locations are unique as well, may it be a cave an exhibistion hall, or a cafe. The best is to be able to experience live electronic music and meet the artists. And with that, of course, supporting them by buying tickets or CDs. Because, as you will have heard, streaming does not pay a dish. Too many listens are necessary to earn a buck. And I am sure you would like to hear from the artists more cool music in the future. Tonight I will tease a selection of upcoming events in Europe, but there are surely more and some abroad. For now, enjoy the wonderful music of Pyramid Peak (Kontinuum), Ron Boots (Alone on Stage), REMY & Däcker (Live at BYSS), TaboTago (Sessions 009 - 20211217 Corroding Modernism), Cestrian (Gradients), Feralia Planitia (Feralia Planitia), Frank Tischer (Impulse), Tangerine Dream (Phaedra).
Fetch yourself a par-tee on
Yours, Stefan
Quite a week this was, especially job wise packed with tasks. Also, the coming weekends are packed with nice music events, while the bigger ones seem to have run well in the past weeks. Some of you might know that I curate a list of coming events in the European area over at empulsiv.de, just in case you are interested. One bigger one is ahead tomorrow with Awakenings all dayer, but then some fine ones are up as well, like Bernd Scholl, featured tonight, Pyramid Peak with Ron Boots, Der Spyra and TaboTago on Flux and Pulse, Frank Tischer, and a hot one with Tangerine Dream. But for tonight, it's relaxation time with some ambient and related love spread by Parallel Worlds (Impressions), Sophos (Sending Signals), Bernd Scholl (An Evening in The Cave Live), Peter Phippen & Ivar Lunde, Jr. (Earthly), Blue Is Nine (Life in Motion), Andy Pickford (Something Wonked This Way Comes).
A cave full of sounds on
Yours, Stefan
Did I ever mention being a fan of Snooker? Well, I am. And there is one reason in particular, why I do: It's the kindness and sportsmanship of the players. I cannot remember any other sport where the opponent applaud each other for great shots and celebrate for reaching 100 points or even 147 (the maximum number of points, very rare). My wife usually says that Snooker is great for bed time, as it supports falling asleep. I strongly disagree. It's full of suspense, tragedy, and fun. However, I wish all people would be that kind and supportive to one another like these players are. And in the end, I agree that the sport can be helpful to come down and chill. Like the music on tonight's edition. So join in and enjoy the cool sounds and beats by Das Kraftfuttermischwerk (Im Garten der Schneekugel), Young Ruji and ЭЮЯ (Various Artist Compilation 2024), Gabriel Le Mar (Light of Unity), HYRN (Schallplatte 27: Mythologie), Rayo Hunters (Anima Blanca), Pope John Paul Van Damme (Disinfamy), HATCH (Electrode),Theo Falcon (Season Zero), Cousin Silas & Glove Of Bones (Spirits of Afrodubism (Extended Reissue)).
Food for body and soul on
Yours, Stefan
Nature is a great invention. Well, not really an invention. But it's great. Especially in autumn, when the forests turn so colourful, all the mushrooms sprouting, everything living in harmony. Ok, nearly everything. But humans. Be it crazy election campaigns. Be it trashing trust in Open Source. Be it fighting and killing others. Now, maybe those things are not really comparable, but they all showcase the stupidity of human kind. And now think about our so called intelligent race being on earth for several thousand years. If you were an alien from outer space, would you be eager to show up and befriend us? Hum, do I sound erratic? Well, let's turn to something more comfy and beautiful: new age and electronic music. A real feast for one's ears I have for you with music by Max Schiefele (Waldgeist), Larkenlyre (Dragonfly Halfdreams), Bernd Scholl (An Evening in The Cave Live), Rodrigo Passannanti (Forgotten Worlds), Suriya (Schallplatte 27: Mythologie), Sam Wilkes (iiyo iiyo iiyo), John Gregorius (Communion), Rena Jones & KiloWatts (Caesura), Holland Phillips (A Sense of Distance), Wane of Summer (Spine of Destiny), Ivan Black (I Can See Another Time).
Get harmonoised on
Yours, Stefan
Since several years now I purchase energy from a supplier of ecological renewable sources. Those are windmills (which,some strange guy claims, kill whales), solar plants, hydropower stations, and so forth. It's a funny thought that they direct electrons from only those sources to my home, which, of course, they don't. It's only they add energy from those sources to the pool and I pick any energy from that pool. If you ask me what's my point on telling you this, the answer is I don't have a point. I just found it curious. And especially, that some people think, over here in Germany we are re-empowering fossil fuels and nuclear power. Plain rubbish. Well, ok, as I said no point. At least none other than on this edition you will find great music full of sequential energy served by Time Away (Chasing Angels), Erik Wøllo (Solastalgia), Paul Ellis & Per Thomhav (Orpheus), Gandalf (A Light from Afar), Gunnar Spardel and Jim Ottaway (Schallplatte 27 - Mythologie), Caught In Joy (Gemstones V), Michael Brückner (The Android Tales (Volume 1)).
Sound planting with
Yours, Stefan
Why do people tend to put their power and energy into making the world a worse place for others and nature then before? Is it a tendency for self destruction of humanity or simple stupidity? I prefer to put forward with positive motions. Supportive behaviour and making others feel better seems much more beneficial than blaming others for one's unfortunate situation. Stumping on the weak, because it is so easy, does not help yourself in any way but making you seemingly look strong. You are not! So I only hope I can make someone's day a bit brighter with the music I present on this podcast. And I have great music on tonight with new and upcoming sounds by Axess/Maxxess (SLEEP), AE van Elst Projects (TWO), Gabriel Le Mar (Light of Unity), Paul Ellis & Per Thomhav (Orpheus), Rena Jones & KiloWatts (Caesura), Pete International Airport (Sea of Eyes), snurretop (Mizzt), Cartas de Japón (Gemstones V), Max Schiefele (Waldgeist).
Fire up your engines with
Yours, Stefan
So we had some great time last weekend at the Electronic Circus festival. Many cool artists and more cool guests and friends to meet. Lemgo is a lovely little town, btw. So all in all a fantastic event. Now, there are more concerts and festivals coming up, so look out for your chance to listen to live electronic music. Meanwhile, after such an exhausting weekend and week, it is time for some relax session. So this edition is packed with more chill out and related sounds to ease one's mind and get lost in rhythmic dreams. Join in for some really cool sounds by Bluetech (Spacehop Chronicles 2: The Black Sky), Gerry Joe Weise (Walk Around the Beat: A Blues Breaking Records Sampler), PearFinch (BC Catalogue II (2022-2024)), 鈍打uncertified -(大阪小旅行), midnight première (Private Passion), Pabellón Sintético & Lucas Tripaldi (Last Call), Cousin Silas & Øystein Q Jørgensen (From Another Place), Fascinating Earthbound Objects (Netlabel Day 2023), Džiunglių Dvasios (Cyber Jazz), db-maui (Die Sterne und das Unicorn).
Taking some time off at
Yours, Stefan
Late summer and early autumn are definitely a gift for fans in electronic music. So many concerts and events to choose from, or maybe visit all of them? Well, my timely resources are limited, so I'll be at the Electronic Circus tomorrow. More, I don't know yet. But it's definitely great to have cool live electronic music available and, of course, meet lots of fans and artists on that occasion. For two more such events you will get teasers in this edition. One for the big and well known E-Live in October. And another one for a smaller but great event at the Planetarium Bochum end of this month. Not only teasers, but also fresh and newly released sounds are up. So best to join me for music by Bernd Scholl (Clear Night), Orghanon (Future in Motion), Frank Van Bogaert (One Out Of Five), Sonic Transients (The Rhoen Tapes), David Wright (Fade), Ivan Black (Slow Burning Stars), DF Tram & Future BC (Future Horizons: Harmonic Reflections), Baltes & Erbe (Four Stories).
The feasts go on at
Yours, Stefan
Do you suffer from massive amounts of roadwork as well? It's amazing what is happening on the streets recently. Even a major highway is closed for month due to necessary works on roads and bridges. And it's hot, too. The weather I mean. Which surely gives road workers quite some stress. Aside from the annoyed and swearing drivers passing by. So, for no good reason we well do some body work as well on tonight's edition of syndae. Of course, always trying to hit the sweet spot somehow. What's not to like about good beats with interesting sounds? Join in for cool examples by AKUSMATiC (Angular Momentum), Backstage Gurus (Future Horizons), Firnwald ft. Thomas Kraus (Gadgetbag 2 [Refill + Remix]), Nicorus (Yuna), Rayo Hunters (Peyote (Remix)), Bjar (Nieuwe Electronische Waar 17), Mental Health Consumer & Justin Credible (This is Not That Universe), TieFenRauSch (Netlabel Day 2024 Techno Warriors), Elysian Underground (Love Only), Six Umbrellas (Metropolis).
Bodyworkers at
Yours, Stefan
So, last week I teased about the upcoming Electronic Circus festival, which surely is quite a happening over here in Germany. On the other hand, I nearly forgot about the also cool, maybe smaller festival in the Netherlands next weekend, August 31st. It's the Dutch Electronic Masters happening in Best. Thus, tonight you will get some teasers for this fine event, and maybe, if you live nearby, you will be abler to attend it as well. But there is more music on this show, of course, which comes from new and recent releases. Electronic music is still very much alive, as you will hear. And these releases never cease to amaze with new ideas and takes on this wonderful kind of music. Join me for some exciting 60 minutes of goodness brought to you by René van der Wouden (The Magnetic Reconnection), Skoulaman (Mundus in Motu), Tectonia (Anatomy of The Positronic Brain), Divine Matrix (Dark Machine), Ian Boddy (25 Years of DiN), Point Surrender (Mark II), Udo Hanten & Klaus Hoffmann-Hoock (Live in Belgium)
Mondrianic sound paintings at
Yours, Stefan
Exciting times ahead. At least, if you are able to travel to Germany in early September. The Electronic Circus Festival is up soon! Right, a wonderful occasion for meet and greet and fantastic concerts in electronic music as we love it. So, sure, I do have some teaser tracks for you on this show to make your mouth watering. But there is more, as we also have some new music releases on the plate, which are not to be missed out. So join me for an hour to celebrate electronic music with Wane of Summer (Spine of Destiny), Seifert & Steinbüchel (REverse engineering), xabec w. Spherical Disrupted (Random Errors Down The Line), Alerick Project (Trance Action), Thorsten Quaeschning meets Paul Frick (The Seaside Stage Session), Sophos (Paradoxa), Ivan Black (A Quiet Ocean), Mäläskä (Deserted Island Music 2011 to 2024), Volker Rapp (Blade Runner 2099).
Digital artistry at
Yours, Stefan
Indeed, the last week and weekend were exhausting. Not only of the temperatures, but being busy with family visits and a load of work. Hence, this week the music will get more than relaxed, it will get ambient. Although, not all of it is on the quiet side of sounds. It's incredible how relaxing this kind of music can be or how fascinating. If you listen to it and focus, you will hear all the details and finesse, which has gone into each piece. On the other hand, you can also have it as background music for other activities without much of a distraction. Well, not with me babbling in between, but the show is to guide you to fetch any of the releases. Teasers of which you will find tonight by Erik Wøllo, Lyonel Bauchet (25 Years of DiN), Jim Ottaway (First Light - 20th Anniversary Edition), Abdicant (One of These Tributes Vol.2: inDirect eVANGELISm (chapter 1)), Brainquake (One of These Tributes Vol.2: inDirect eVANGELISm (chapter 2)), Allen Pitts (The Last Voyage of the Mythos), Ilya Semashkevich (Snowflakes to Keep), Colin Rayment with Joe Rayment (Metamorphic Phases).
Sticking to serenity at
Yours, Stefan
It's summer vacation time over here in Germany. Many people left for nicer places to visit and to relax from work. My wife and I do so before and after summer usually, when those nice places are a bit quieter and less overrun. So I am at home most of the time (except on next weekend, when there will also be no new syndae show). With all the warmth at this time, all in all it makes totally sense to go a bit quieter on music this week. Yes, it's getting into the easy listening realm of sound this time. And really cool ones at this. So join in with contributions by Jim Ottaway (A Promise Of Eternity), Todd Mosby (Land of Enchantment), Michael Whalen (Watercolor Sky), Elsehow (Live Underwater), Masako (Lost there Found here), Ambiente Solstice feat. John Gregorius & Sean O'Bryan Smith (Short Stories), Monster Taxi (Field of Dreams), Rick Sparks (Belleza Isle), Paul Mallatratt (Let's 'Talk' About The Beat In Ambient (And Beyond) Volume 1), Sverre Knut Johansen (Still Time), Urs Fuchs feat. dankbar.club (The Legend of Fotheringhay).
Dreamtime promises at
Yours, Stefan
One of the pillars of syndae has always been the vast world of netlabels. They curate many unknown to known artists, so we can have a nice collection of fresh music not following mainstream. And it is astonishing how many of those labels last over years. Of course, some of the good ones stopped operating over time. Some new were founded. But there is still a massive number of them out there. Especially caring music in the ambient and electronic realm, but not just. Tonight you will get an excerpt taken from the big amount of releases in the netlabel bag. Enjoy the diversity of styles with Captive Portal ft. Dmitriy Krotevich (Own The Night: The Remixes), Beth Quist (Aegean Dreams), Bleak House (Observation Notes), VEDSKY (Monument Records Netlabel Day), Bunshi (Zurvan), 4T Thieves (Tone), Cairo Braga (Blurred Time: Netlabel Day 2024), Gaucho Viento (The Organic Sound of Patagonia), jlmxv (Omnia Bene), Computer 4000 (Netlabel Day 2024 Techno Warriors), Mental Health Consumer (Recovery).
Fruity treats at
Yours, Stefan
Sleep. Work. Eat. Repeat. This was somewhat the most routine past week I had. And that's fine with me. Easy going is nice. No stress. No pressure. I would assume this is good for health as well. And, thus, we are dwelling into the modern takes of the past again tonight. Music inspired by the golden age of electronic music. Nowadays also put under the umbrella name of Space Ambient, I'd say. Could be Berlin School, could be Krautrock. Anything, really, that feels good and steady. Join me for cool stuff in sounds by Colin Rayment with Joe Rayment (Metamorphic Phases), DTime (Within The Waves), Andy Kittner (Sands of Time), Cousin Silas & Michael Brückner (Passages and Spheres), OBUKHOVAUDIO (Kosmische Wellen), s475e (Sn°1), Kosmische Clutharachán Center (Barbe à Papa), DASK (Time and Burden).
Sticking to it at
Yours, Stefan
We're going into dungeons and dragons and other fantasy realms tonight, on the hunt for hidden castles and maybe fight a dragon? Well. At least half the show will be. And then I have related, cinematic style music for you. Well, I do like fantasy in books and movies, although I am not deep into it. I know many friends and colleagues are or were into D&D gaming. In the past, I did enjoy simpler adventure games as well, but mostly passed for role playing. What about you? Leave a comment and tell me. And meanwhile, enjoy listening to great music by Talking to Ghosts & AndAWan (Convergence of Soul), Sonic Bodhi & Progeny -1 (Winged Memories), K37 (Fearless), Dirk Schlömer (Travels to the Untold II), Sverre Knut Johansen (Still Time), Grosso Gadgetto (Hidden Children of the Vatican), @erwilian (Cascadia).
In the realms of fantasy at
Yours, Stefan
So here comes a rather sad edition, or is it? During my vacation I learned that Norbert Kutz aka Eisenlager passed away earlier this year. His Midnightradio Compilation was a constant and great source for new music of any kind and has been part of many of syndae's shows. So tonight I'll give you a tribute edition with music by himself and from more or less randomly chosen issues of the compilation that I saw fit. This is only a very small fraction of the kind of music from the series, which fits within the sound of syndae. So join me for a goodbye to a wonderful mind, supporting and promoting music with no hidden agenda. This one is to you, Mr. Midnightradio. With music by Eisenlager (Atombomben Musik), All the Morphic Oceans (Midnightradio Compilation 114), Jesper Sørensen (Midnightradio Compilation), musicformessier & An Astromo (Midnightradio Compilation 31), Eisenlager and Midnightradio11 (Midnightradio Compilation Beautiful Julia Edition 2015), ambientium (Midnightradio Compilation 25), Reskimus & Ambient Mann (Midnightradio Compilation 22), Eisenlager (Rück Werk).
A candle in the dark at
Yours, Stefan
So I am enjoying the final hours of my vacation. It's kind of a hybrid state, where I feel as much relaxed as energized for a busy summer ahead. Well, difficult to decide upon the path for this edition, hence it is somewhat ambient, but on the more progressive edge with twists and rhythms. What do you think makes ambient music ambient? Do all the tracks from tonight's edition qualify? I do think so, but that may be only me. Best to join me for this hour and listen to great sounds by Byron Metcalf & Ari Urban ft. Dashmesh (Rituals of Passion), Fusion of Elements (Bigger than Us), _Imnot_here (Outside), Paul Ellis (The Haunted Afternoon), Peltiform (Like Phantoms), Cousin Silas & Øystein Q Jørgensen (Bemerkelsesverdig Morgen).
Breaching branches at
Yours, Stefan
After all the chilling in the last edition, it is time to get a bit beefier tonight. All the energy collected the past days has to go somewhere. And it has become a quite diverse show this time, with calmer and more aggressive sounds and beats. No EDM though. That's in queue for another time. Also, I picked up some of the artists from last week to showcase their variability. Well, I am picking up some energy these days, which also changes my mood and need for music. It's great material I have for you tonight, so join me for a cool right, won't you? Have some great 60 minutes with music by Firnwald ft. D-Fried (Gadgetbag 2), Conny Olivetti (Future Europe), Stefan Erbe (Retrologica 2024), Roberto Sass (Transit), PLESS (Midnight Buffet), Ivan Black (Isms), Cousin Silas & Øystein Q Jørgensen (Bemerkelsesverdig Morgen), Kellerkind Berlin (Das Graublaue Album), NYORAI (Shinkirō), Hyrn (live at endlos elektro sounds).
Rougher edges at
Yours, Stefan
So this was a busy week at work and at home, time to relax. So I will be a couch potatoe for a while, well, kind of at least. But I know I won't last very long at doing few to nothing. How about you? How do you relax and chill after some busy days, weeks, or month? One of my favourite side-activities of course is to listen to the fitting music for this occasion. This also works when reading a book, as there is no distracting vocal in electronic candy. So, join me, will you? For some great music on this edition brought to us by Anna B May & Wane of Summer (Leaving Home), Stefan Erbe (Retrologica 2024), Jazzyspoon (IDMf Retrospective Vol. 2), Roberto Sass (Transit), Firnwald (Veelargo Remix) (Gadgetbag 1), Globular (Lifts The Curse Of The Grey Goo Assimilators), Martin Stürtzer (Phase Transform), Stan Dart (Collaboration), Morpion (IDMf Retrospective Vol. 2), Youth & Gaudi (LSD Special Selections Vol. 11: CALAN HAF Vol. 2).
Enjoy the flow at
Yours, Stefan
Back to school? Well, definitely always an option when talking about Berlin School. And this school is not over yet. Time and again old and new artists are being inspired by the works of the artists of that golden era of electronic music. And rightly so, as those were days of fresh sounds and inspiration, which hooked many of us to this timeless and impressive music style. And current takes on those teachings for once let us all delve in that wonderful past and also experience something new with what they make of it. Join me for great stuff by Erez Yaary (Everything Will Dissolve), D*Time (Inner Demons), Grant Beasley (Sands of Time), Walter Holland (The Sketchbook of Max Ernst), Stan Dart and @ColinRayment.music (Collaboration), Callisto (Either Side of Reality).
Schooling at home with
Yours, Stefan
Are you fallen for the beauty in sound and harmony? Do you want to listen to really cool and delightful electronic music? Easy peasy. Simply check out this edition of syndae having great and not too busy music from all around the world and maybe beyond. Well, after some quite warm days this week, I am not up for much movement. But it does not need to be as quiet as last week. So here we go with something inbetween. Some new and upcoming releases on this show as well as looks back to this and previous years. Grab your headphones and favourite seat and join me for music by Dark Sky Alliance (Interdwell), Todd Mosby (Land of Enchantment), Michael Whalen (Watercolor Sky), Richard Theisen (Oceanova), Ambiente Solstice ft. Gerald Albright & Carl Rydlund (Short Stories), elAstrum (On the Eve), Kellerkind Berlin & José Roman Duque (Das Graublaue Album). Ginkgo Garden (Wrapped In Mystery), Ambient Ballroom Tales), Backstage Gurus (LSD Special Selections Vol. 11: CALAN HAF Vol. 2).
Living in a new age on
Yours, Stefan
"The solar eclipse is another sign for climate change"? Wow. There is quite some action going on these days all around the world. And Quotes like this eclipse nonsense tell me that it there is some steep road to madness in this world. But I won't start a rant about idiots on here. You came for the music. And to calm down and relax from this crazy world, tonight you are getting chill-out sound from all around the globe. I hope you will have some peaceful moments out there and will enjoy the fine tracks by Radium88 (See Saw - Disc 1), Bluetech (Spacehop Chronicles 2: Monument to the Conquerors), Evenfall (Circular Motion), Liuos and Ajnkana (Heavy Dub Vol. 9), Collagist (Pan), Ginkgo Garden (Wrapped In Mystery), Altered Tensions (IDMf Retrospective Vol. 1), The Dubnihilist (Friday 22:05), Cartas de Japón (Santa Clara).
Out of madness with
Yours, Stefan
Well, Hello! A new year has come to bring more new and excellent electronic music to you lovely audience. And some of the best of this music you will surely discover on syndae, I promise. After a two weeks rest we start afresh with great sounds and scapes into 2024, which already sees some great releases in its first days. And also, here is a reminder on the Schallwelle award voting, which is still going on until January 15th. So go and choose your best artists and albums for 2023, while listening to new and exciting music on tonight's edition. Here you get fed by Steve Roach (The Desert Winds Of Change), Hollan Holmes (Sacred Places), Conny Olivetti (Oblique Stroke XR40), IcingWolf (Your Way), Jörg Erren (Snapshots), Frore (37), MiDi BiTCH (Sonic Fiction), Ken Martin (Cydonia).
Spiced ambiences on
Yours, Stefan
So I nearly wrapped up my paid work for this year. Best time to pick up some refreshments for my ears. Are you in? Welcome then to this edition of chill-out treats and alike. In conclusion, we are trending towards a more relaxed and nice sounding time of the year. There you have it. But next week will be something completely different. Or will it? Join me for the second last trip on syndae this year, with excellent tracks by Roberto Sass (Cathedral of Lost Love), Encounters (A Path Beyond Remixed), Tabilonder (Plendor), Stan Dart (MurInsel, Volume 6), Howler (Initio), Remote Guest List (Lonely nights), Mutagenese (Voices), Dirk Schlömer (Dubby Nocturne III), Abu Ama + BedouinDrone (Dawlat Lībiyyā), iGL & Alecho (Revolution), Solitaire (Nocturnes & Fearless).
Flexible ear training on
Yours, Stefan
So, I am at the beach right now enjoying the final strains of sunshine. Actually, it’s the final day of my vacation and the trip back is ahead of me. Still, I like resting at this place, which is the opposite of busy most of the time. And what better to listen to than music that relaxes one’s soul? So tonight we are going to chill. Well, maybe double so, as the temperature outside dropped a bit below 20 Celsius. As long as I have my peace, I don’t mind. And especially tonight, starting off with a plug for my own music. Listen in to some relaxing tunes with Talking to Ghosts (Ironfist), Lars Leonhard (Gemstones IV), ELEON ft David Helpling (Daithi), Maid Dresses and POLUNDRA (The Usual Suspects), Point (100 Diamonds), Re-Drum (The Best Of Torrentech Vol. 5), Dissolved (Island Flux Remixes), moonbooter (Reminiscence).
Breaking sands on
So I had a very busy week. And I am not even sure I make it in time to promote this show this Friday. But, hey, it's a podcast and you can listen to it whenever you like. For this edition I thought about going a bit more ambient, but not too close. So you will find lots of treats on this show that are in between the worlds, and of course fine electronic music it is, too. Time to discover exciting sounds and uncover the beautiful sound of spacey ambient lifting the aural lids. Enjoy the night with tracks by Bernd-Michael Land (Begegnungen), Jim Ottaway (Infinite Universes), Mike Hans STEFFL (Calaboose Islands), Johan Agebjörn (Subtracted Soundscapes), Sensory++ (Introversum), Solitaire (Plains And Skies), Walter Fini & Shane Beck (The Open Door), M3NASH (Declive).
A world behind the blinds on
Yours, Stefan
Beat by beat with
Sound fishing with
From black to blue at syndae.de/episodes/1049-episod…