Stefan friendica

syndae - episode 720

So this was a busy week at work and at home, time to relax. So I will be a couch potatoe for a while, well, kind of at least. But I know I won't last very long at doing few to nothing. How about you? How do you relax and chill after some busy days, weeks, or month? One of my favourite side-activities of course is to listen to the fitting music for this occasion. This also works when reading a book, as there is no distracting vocal in electronic candy. So, join me, will you? For some great music on this edition brought to us by Anna B May & Wane of Summer (Leaving Home), Stefan Erbe (Retrologica 2024), Jazzyspoon (IDMf Retrospective Vol. 2), Roberto Sass (Transit), Firnwald (Veelargo Remix) (Gadgetbag 1), Globular (Lifts The Curse Of The Grey Goo Assimilators), Martin Stürtzer (Phase Transform), Stan Dart (Collaboration), Morpion (IDMf Retrospective Vol. 2), Youth & Gaudi (LSD Special Selections Vol​.​ 11: CALAN HAF Vol. 2).

Enjoy the flow at

Yours, Stefan


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Firnwald mastodon (AP)
danke dir Stefan
Stefan friendica
Schon gesehen. Mal schauen, was so in Zukunft reinpasst 😊