Stefan friendica

syndae - episode 695

Right, it's only one month now and many of you guys will celebrate christmas. But there is more such celebrations around the corner, like Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, and surely more. And, no, I am not giving you early season's songs. On the contrary, we will go quite progressive and partially rocky tonight. I might do a festive show, though, right on December 22nd. Several such tracks came in lately, and I am aware of at least one new album to come with related music. I am open to suggestions and submissions, of course. And by saying so, a disclaimer as follow up: there is no guarantee for podplay. Well, we will see what happens. But for tonight, I am going all in with excellent and cool tracks by Agitation Free (Momentum), Passage (Oblique), Gingerbass (Lake City Kid), Bernhard Wöstheinrich (B-Dubs), Hildegard von Binge Drinking (Echo der Delfine), The Dead Robotz (Electric Mangrove), Simon Langdon and Polytunnel (Attack Release Volume One), Phono Input (Sidereus Nuncius).

Strings well attached on

Yours, Stefan

@Aaron :bc: